Wheelchair Seating & Positioning - Rehability Physical Therapy

Wheelchair Seating & Positioning

Denise Anderson PT and owner of Rehability is uniquely qualified to assist patients with his/ her long term wheelchair seating and positioning needs. This service is meant to benefit those people who are no longer safe or functional ambulating on their feet either with or without assistive devices (eg. Crutches, canes, or walkers). Denise has worked with a full spectrum of wheelchair athletes (the casual participant to the Paralympian) since 1989. These experiences have fanned the flame of her passion for ensuring advanced, highly functional seating systems are in place. As with any field related to technology, wheelchair seating and positioning is constantly improving. Recognizing this fact, Denise regularly attends the International Seating Symposium in the U.S. and Canada; she has specialized training and certifications from several seating manufacturers in the U.S; and she consults frequently with seating specialists world wide. We at Rehability are passionate that any person with a disability not be limited in his/her own functional potential as result of poor seating.

Once a request has been made for a wheelchair/ seating assessment, an appointment will be scheduled either in the home or the clinic. At that time, Denise will gather medical history; assess functional abilities/ limitations; determine daily functional needs/ requirements; and examine any other special factors. A letter of medical necessity will be written in coordination the referring doctor, the local DME (durable medical equipment) provider, and the caregiver (if appropriate). As always, our goal is to provide detailed and timely reports so that the authorization of equipment can progress. It is important to note that this process sometimes can take anywhere between 3-12 weeks from start to delivery of your equipment.